Legal Notice

Accessing this website implies awareness and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.

The User undertakes to use the website in accordance with law and with this Legal Notice, as well as generally accepted morals and good conduct and public order.

Read the following sections carefully. They contain all the legal information you need to know in order to browse safely.

1. General information on the website owner

For the purposes of Article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, the user is informed that the owner of the website is Casas Rurales Artenatur (ARTENARA NATURALEZA TURISMO RURAL S.L), holder of NIF (Tax Identification Number) B35993864, with its registered address at LAS ARVEJAS 38A, 35350 – ARTENARA (LAS PALMAS).

The company is registered in the Commercial Registry of Gran Canaria: Volume 1693, Book 0, Folio 38, Section 8, Sheet GC-40560.

You can contact us at the following e-mail address: artenatur and via our social media, Facebook and Twitter.

Accommodation activity is subject to Decree 18/1998, of 5 March 1998, on regulation and organisation of rural tourist accommodation establishments.

2. Intellectual and industrial property

2.1. Contents

All the elements that make up the graphic design of this website, the menus, browser buttons, source code, texts, images, photographs, textures, graphics, animations, videos and any other content are the property of Casas Rurales Artenatur.

Casas Rurales Artenatur is likewise the owner of any trademarks, distinctive signs, domain names and trade names (except those of sponsors, advertisers, etc.) that may appear on this website.

All rights of reproduction in whole or in part, modification, adaptation, public communication, computerisation, distribution, transformation, assignment, sale, rental, loan and/or any other intellectual or industrial property right that may pertain toCasas Rurales Artenatur over the content of the website are therefore reserved. Any exercise of the foregoing rights will be subject to prior authorisation in writing from their owner.

Casas Rurales Artenatur undertakes to correct any possible formal or numerical errors that may occur in the content of the various sections of the website as soon as it becomes aware of them.

Accessing this website in no case implies that users acquire any property right over the content that appears in it, and therefore it may not be used for any purpose. Improper use of this content by the user will render him or her solely liable to Casas Rurales Artenatur and to third parties for the harm caused as well as for breaches of any legal obligation that may result from it.

2.2. Links

Casas Rurales Artenatur linforms you that the presence on this website of links to websites managed by third parties is purely for information purposes and in no case constitutes an invitation to contract the products or services offered in the target website. Access by users shall be solely on their own responsibility and under the conditions of use in force on such sites.

In the event that Casas Rurales Artenatur has actual knowledge that the information or activity to which such links direct users is illicit, constitutes a crime or may be injurious to third-party property or rights and could give rise to damages, it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the relevant link as soon as possible.

3. Privacy policy

3.1. Files and the Data Protection Act

In compliance with Organic Act 15/1999, of 13 December 1999, on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the personal data you supply to us through this website will be managed and processed confidentially and will be incorporated into a file duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency held by Casas Rurales Artenatur, for the purpose of attending to the request received, managing the booking made and/or formalising the contracting of our services.

We likewise inform you that you may oppose the processing of your personal data at any time by exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an e-mail to artenatur together with a photocopy of your DNI (national identity card).

Casas Rurales Artenatur guarantees the secrecy and confidentiality of your personal data, complying with all its obligations in this respect and adopting the security measures imposed by current legislation.

As a user of this website, you guarantee that the data you provide are truthful, accurate and complete. Users’ or customers’ data will be cancelled, deleted or blocked if they prove to be inaccurate or incomplete or have ceased to be necessary or relevant for their purpose according to current legislation.

3.2. Commercial communications by electronic means

ABy giving us your contact details you consent to receive information on other services offered by Casas Rurales Artenatur. Such commercial communications on activities, services, offers, special promotions, etc. may be sent by any means, including electronic mail.

Casas Rurales Artenatur undertakes not to send commercial communications by electronic means without identifying them as such, pursuant to the provisions of Act 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services.

You can oppose the processing of your data for promotional purposes by sending an e-mail to the address artenatur and you can revoke your consent at any time by simply informing Casas Rurales Artenatur of your wish to do so.

The information sent to customers of Casas Rurales Artenatur shall not be regarded as commercial communication provided its purpose is to maintain the existing contractual relationship between the customer and Casas Rurales Artenatur as well as to perform functions of providing information and other activities inherent to the service that the customer might contract from the company.

We also inform you that Casas Rurales Artenatur chas a profile on social media and is therefore responsible for processing the data of its followers, friends or fans. The processing carried out on such data shall be that which the social network allows the company profile to perform. Thus Casas Rurales Artenatur may publish general information on the social network for its followers, friends or fans on its products or services, as well as providing personalised customer service.

3.3. Cookie policy

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Among other things, cookies enable a website to store and retrieve information on the browsing habits of a user or of his or her computer, and depending on the information they contain and the way in which the computer is used, they can be used to recognise the user.

On this website we use the following cookies:


  • Finalidad: cookies usados por google y youtube para almacenar las preferencias del usuario. Sólo identifica directamente al usuario si está logeado con su cuenta de google en el navegador. Estas cookies no son controladas por la página web.
  • Caducidad: 1-2 años


  • Finalidad: transferir datos a Google.
  • Caducidad: 1 mes


  • Finalidad: visualizar mapas mediante Google Maps.
  • Caducidad: 6 meses


  • Finalidad: herramienta que le permite suscribirse al servicio de noticias de nuestra Web.
  • Caducidad: 1 día


  • Finalidad: anular las restricciones de seguridad basadas en la dirección IP del visitante
  • Caducidad: 1 mes


  • Finalidad: se usa para saber el lenguaje en el que se está navegando.
  • Caducidad: 1 año

Desactivar Cookies en Navegadores

Aquí puede encontrar más información relativa a los distintos navegadores:

  • For further information on Internet Explorer click here.
  • For further information on Mozilla Firefox click here.
  • For further information on Google Chrome click here.
  • For further information on Safari click here.

4. Limitations or exclusions of liability

4.1. Technical faults

Casas Rurales Artenatur cannot guarantee the availability and continuity of operation of the website and in no case will it be liable for any damages that may result from this lack of accessibility of the site, computer faults, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blocking caused by faults or overloads on telephone lines, on the Internet or on other electronic systems occurring in the course of operation, and other harm that may be caused by third parties through unauthorised interference beyond the control of the site.

Casas Rurales Artenatur uses virus protection software to check all the content entered on the website. However, the absence of viruses or of other elements introduced by outside third parties that may produce changes in users’ physical or logical systems or in the electronic documents and files stored on their systems cannot be guaranteed. In any event Casas Rurales Artenatur is exempt from any damages arising from them.

4.2. Responsibility for content

Casas Rurales Artenatur reserves the right to interrupt access to its website or to any of its contents at any time and without notice, and accepts no liability for any harm that may be suffered by users through any errors or omissions in the content of the website, although it undertakes to verify and monitor the content and information on the site periodically.

Casas Rurales Artenatur guarantees that all the content and services offered on this website observe the principle of human dignity, the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal and social circumstance, as well as the principle of protecting young people and children.

Casas Rurales Artenatur will not be liable for other content lodged on its website by third parties if it has no actual knowledge that such stored information is illicit or that it is injurious to third-party property or rights and could give rise to damages, or if, having such knowledge, it acts diligently to remove this content or make it impossible to access it.

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