Artenara What to see and do in this charming village of Gran Canaria?

Artenara is the smallest municipality of Gran Canaria and the highest village on the island, with a latitude of approximately 1,270 metres above sea level. It is located in the World Biosphere Reserve of Gran Canaria and is surrounded by an orography that the Spanish writer Miguel de Unamuno described as a “petrified tempest”. You can also enjoy spectacular and unbeatable views of Roque Nublo and Roque Bentayga.

If you are going to visit Artenara, there are places you can’t miss if you want to get to know this magical village in depth. Do you want to know more? Stay tuned and take note.


The Unamuno viewpoint, also known as Unamuno’s balcony, was built in 1999 as part of the opening of the Unamuno Route in Gran Canaria to commemorate the writer’s stay on the island in 1910.

The viewpoint is home to a sculpture of Unamuno by the Gran Canarian sculptor Manolo González. From here you can enjoy spectacular views of Barranco Grande, Roque Bentayga and Roque Nublo with one of the most beautiful villages in Spain at its feet, Tejeda.

Mirador de Unamuno en Artenara



The Ethnographic Museum of the Cave Houses is one of the maní tourist attractions in the village of Artenara. It is made up of three old dwellings, probably dwellings of the pre-Hispanic population that inhabited this place. These houses were restored by their new owner and in 1993 were acquired by the two council for the creation of the museum.

In the ethnographic museum you can discover the origin of the cave houses and what they are. You will also discover their layout and decoration, with a variety of furniture that was used at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as objects that represent the traditional trades of Artenara.

Casa cueva del Museo Etnográfico de Artenara Casa cueva del Museo Etnográfico de Artenara



The Chapel of the Virgen de la Cuevita, patron saint of the Folkloric Groups and the Cyclists of Gran Canaria, is located 500 metres from the centre of the village of Artenara. The origin of the chapel dates back to the end of the 19th century, being enlarged in the last third of the 19th century, where it houses the Virgen de la Cueva.

Her feast is celebrate during the second fortnight of August. The image is transferred from its chapel to the church of San Matías, and on the last Sunday of the month, the main day of the festivities of the Virgen de la Cuevita, it returns to its chapel, amidst offerings of fireworks and torches.

Artenara - Kapelle Virgen de La Cuevita - Gran Canaria



The Church of San Matías is the most important religious building in Artenara and stands out in the village square. Its construction dates back to the 17th century, the present building is from the 19th century and there are even parts from the 20th century, such as the interior decoration and the towers.

The decoration of the ceiling with a neo-Mudejar style coffered ceiling and the paintings that cover the walls of the presbytery make this a magical place that captures the attention of all its visitors.

Iglesia de San Matías en Artenara en Gran Canaria

Iglesia de San Matías en Artenara en Gran Canaria



The municipality of Artenara is crossed by many paths and trails that were used by the aboriginal population and later by the peasants when the current roads did not exist. Below, we will show you several proposals of paths that start in the town centre or main square of Artenara.

The most recommended routes are: SL 1 Artenara Mountain, SL 2 Altavista Mountain, SL 3 Tamadaba, SL 4 Risco Caído, SL 5 Guardaya track, SL 6 Las Hoyas, SL7 Punta de las Arenas and SL8 Tirma. Other routes starting from the Plaza de San Matías are the Acusa Seca Route, the Miguel de Unamuno Route and the San Pedro de Agaete Route.




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